50 years old since foundation

Time flies. 50 years have passed just like in an instant. Looking way back then, I was 27 years old when I was independent from a trading company. The new office started with some of the equipments needed such as used typewriter, table and chairs. It was located in close to Utsubo Park in Osaka where a small space with only 7 square meters on the 2nd floor in a wooden-made building became my sweet room. It was exactly on the 4th of July, or Independent Day of America which, I felt, as if commemorated me.

That was when about 6 months have passed since my company started. One of the buyers I got familiar with stayed at the Royal Hotel in Osaka, who was from Thailand, dealing with industrial rubber-related products as an agent of Tohoku Rubber Co., with whom I had my first business. Also had I a managing director from Hong Kong who was an agent of Makita, who told me that he would give me some business so that I could survive. After that I could supply Japanese products to him, which made me feel tears come up.

Hence, I started business then.

On the other hand, looking into business overseas, which, I tell you, differs from the one we can see usually in Japan. For example, to meet up with top managements in Japan is very hard while in overseas a managing director gives a chance to meet him to a young guy like me. For me it was surprising and impressive. I did enjoy such benefits as social and business custom that made me study from people overseas.
Dating back to history, it is a well known fact that the exchange rate at that time was \360 per 1 US dollars in 1949. After that Yen rate became \308 in 1971 by a famous Smithsonian System, which would lose its shape in 1973 to be the floating exchange rate system. Then we entered an era of \100s.

I had for overseas about 150 business partners then, but because of strong Yen rate driven they decreased gradually global competition toward export and in fact 80% of them abandoned intention to export their products.

I thought I would give up my business. I hesitated and hesitated very often every day, and while my business trip to overseas to sell those high Japanese products there came a boom of housing construction. The maintenance of infrastructure needed urgently in overseas as well. The necessity to have construction machines just happened to remind. Under such circumstances, I developed a business route in Hong Kong to market Airman brand construction machines, generators and compressors as an agent. The more demand in used construction machines, the more increase in our sales record.

What matters most in my business life ? Since established a company, I did have my own castle in the center of Osaka. Dream came true in September 1985. I built my own building for the company at Shinmachi 1-Chome, Nishi-Ku, Osaka to name FTC Building. My dream for years finally realized and I ever since have been thankful as it is owing to support and cooperation of my esteemed business partners.

Business is, as is often the case with life, there comes mountain(lucky time) and valley(unlucky time) alternately. Small companies like mine need to frequent customers to gain information. Nowadays Internet popularizes to open eyes wide then I endeavour to continuing to gain information on real time. As they say “ Action makes something”, it is when unlucky time that business person should be out to have valuable information to promote mutual interchange, and I think this is a must factor.

I, myself, have many a business connection overseas and go abroad much often to South-East Asia, America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

Ten years ago, I had my 60th birthday (Kan-reki). As if used construction machines, an overhaul should be needed at my age. Let me show you some of the motto hereunder, and this is a philosophy of my life.

1) Those who won’t study, gain nothing.

2) Hardship is an entrance of fortune.

3) Important is Challenge, Affection, Passion, Determination (CAPaD).



Following are associations & clubs we are joining.

・Names of Associations & Clubs

1. Japan Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association

2. Osaka Construction Machine & Equipment Association

3. Kinki Construction Overseas Trade Association

4. Osaka Sangyojin-Club

5. Association for Rational Administration (Osaka) Inc.

6. Japan Hong Kong Society of the Kansai

7. Century Club Osaka

8. Royal Health Club (RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka)